July 31, 2011

Dawkathon 3:30 a.m.

CRC asked me to babysit the blog for a few minutes while she, erm, powdered her nose.

On the way to the bathroom she suddenly stopped, yelped, and stood there holding one hand with the other.

Shady:  "Sweetie, what just happened?"

CRC:  *looks wide-eyed at her hand*  "I somehow managed to stab myself with a dresser!"

Shady:  *dead silence for a moment and then*  "I am SO quoting that if you're not back in time."

CRC:  *grins*  "Yeah!  Use that for the next post!"

She's fine (I hope... she's not back from the bathroom yet but that's probably because we both tend to get into whatever 'potty break book' we're reading and lose track of time) but she did manage to smack her hand right on the top corner of the dresser she keeps her yarn stored away in as she went by and the resulting quote was just too random to keep to myself.


Spilledperfume said...

This post is one of the reasons we love. You've no shame about telling your other half that you're going to quote her if she's not back from the bathroom in time. ;)

Anonymous said...

That first sentence should read:

This post is one of the reasons we love you.

Don't mind me, I'm even more sleep deprived then you are at the moment.


kisa said...

lol with a dresser hehe