July 31, 2011

1:30AM "Boy Movies"

At this point, we've decided that the only thing that will help us stay awake is movies where things explode. So Shady just went through our collection and pulled a bunch of "Boy Movies." Not that we have a lot of inherently "Girl Movies," but she specifically chose flicks where things blow up and more money was spent on special effects then on paying the writers (and in some cases, actors).

First up, The Matrix

See? More money spent on bullet-time and keeping Trinity in pleather then some countries make in a decade.


Phelan said...

ok, that's funny

Spilledperfume said...

I've yet to see The Matrix even though it was on today.

Enjoy the movie.

kisa said...

lol my last coment didn't post how mean

The Veggie Goth said...

Die Hard is the ultimate "shit blowing up" movie. Plus, Alan Rickman.