July 30, 2011

Dawkathon 10:00 a.m.


Shirley Temple, eat your heart out!  *mwa ha ha*

Check out that jawline!  My double chin is fading fast... in fact I've lost almost seventy pounds in the last ten months or so!  *boggles*

Hrm... I think I need to dig out the black hair dye again.

The back isn't half bad considering that I couldn't see what I was doing back there.

If I can talk CRC into taking photos you'll be seeing much better full-length shots in the near future... especially since I may feel the need to model a bunch of hand-me-downs that were too small when they were given to us but now actually fit me!  Yay for 'new' clothes!

And now... coffee!!!


Phelan said...

cute! And congrats on the weight lose! Working on that myself.

kisa said...

i love playing dress up