You know what? Our cat is a snob.
Stonehenge loves Cheetos. Like bonkers, off the wall, busting into a bag held closed with a chip clip while everyone is asleep LOVES them.
We had saved some Dollar store Cheeze Curlz (or whatever they were called) back to be eaten today and Shady used one just now to bribe Stonehenge into being cute for the camera.
After she stopped taking pictures, I looked back over to see the cheeze curl lying forlornly on the carpet.
He can tell it's not a name brand Cheeto and didn't even nibble on it. Shady finally threw it away.
That is too funny. Stonehedge is definitely an original.
I'll donate another $5. I want to help you get closer your goal.
You're doing great, only a few more hours.
haha hedge knows what he wants
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